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80four.co.uk : Opinions Would be great
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I think [b]poi [/b]and [b]WarMage[/b] bascially covered the design flaws. XHTML and CSS are easy and fast to learn. I went from using tables to everything to only using them when I was stumped with CSS. And as [b]poi[/b] had said about bandwidth, when I switched over I have saved 1+ gigs a month. As for the content, I seem to get the impression all of the tutorials are geared towards the beginners. If that's the case, then your HTML area needs to have a tutorial that introduces the users to using the CSS you have there. If I was a new to using CSS, I wouldn't have a clue on how to use your CSS tutorials. You should atleast have one tutorial instuctiing how to impliment the CSS. Even if you are mostly targeting PS users, you still need to consider theusers looking at HTML tuts, or just not have them. And if you are going to ask for a review, you need to learn to accept some critisim, and finally, if you don't care about having an "ounce of creditiblity", then change site formats to a blog or something. Because if you are going to have an informative site, then creditablity should be at the top of your list...
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