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First Class honors and umemployed
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To continue on DL's post above. Working as a tech assistant might not give you any credit for being able to handle a job in multimedia development. That much is true. But it gives you credit for being "employable". If you handle that job well, and can can get references you are well on your way. I have to admit (having a background as a hiring manager within IT) that I have not the best experience of newly-grads. I might have had bad luck, but some has been acting as if I (or the world in general) owe them a position and that do not have to fight for it, or even put in an effort. Way too comfy. Now if I interview someone that might not have been doing what I actually need for a position in their latest job (but show it somewhere in their resume), but have a resume telling me something about their work ethics and character, that goes a long way. Usually I found it easier to get someone to brush up/expand on their skills than their ethics and character. Just my 0.2c A Personal reflection: Myself, I started out as an intern being trained to be a salesperson (which I did not want). They found out that I knew my way around PS and PM and had a knack for understanding marketing so I got a position in marketing instead. From there things started to snowball, and I actually just left a position as Europeean Ops Manager for a webpublishing platform this wednesday out of my own choice since I wanted to move on. That was not exactly a dream job for me (way too much tech stuff) but it opened a few doors and gave me invaluable contacts. So you still can get caught in jobs you do not want even after many years in the industry. It's more of a matter of how you handle it, what you can take with you from it and what your goals are. I guess I'm down to 0.1c now ;) [img]http://www.ageheim.com/misc/goldenspine-2-3.gif[/img]
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