OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
First Class honors and umemployed
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[quote]I'm caught between doing what I like, doing what I know and having to learn stuff I don't like but can get me a job [/quote] That's a little something we like to call "reality". There are very few cases where coming straight out of school - no matter how impressive your grades - is going to get you a top position. As TP said, you are going to have to start somewhere that may not be your preferred job. Then you'll have to work at getting into the positions you really want. [quote]it seems that great marks and a fancy track record doesnt land you a job[/quote] There is an awful lot more to being able to do a job well than having good grades. There is an awful lot more to convincing someone that you are right for a job than showing them a piece of paper. It seems that, like a great many people, you've pushed through your education for the wrong reasons. Your education is for *your* benefit. It's not something you do to say you've done and then expect people to be knocking down your door because of it. Not trying to be an asshole... But that's the way it goes. [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://www.in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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