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That is when you need to lock out the page (I.E., hide the page the post is on) and inform them they need to change it... I'm just saying that I would not like anyone being able to access my site, even if they were my host. Shifter for example, I gave him some space, and I have NO access to it at all, however I can quickly hit one button and no one can see anything on his page whatsoever, but I can not go into his admin area, FTP, or PHPmyadmin at all. And I only block something if it is illegal and can get me in trouble. Further more, you can protect yourself by having them digitally sign an agreement that anything they post on the blog is thier responsibility, and they will deal with the consequences of thier actions... [url=http://www.ensellitis.com/][img]http://www.ensellitis.com/sigs_avatars/throw.gif[/img][/url] :: [url=http://www.ensellitis.com]WWW[/url] || [url=http://www.ensellitis.com/contact.php]Contact[/url] || [url=http://ensellitis.deviantart.com]Deviations[/url] || [url=http://www.thoughtprism.com]ThoughtPrism[/url] ::
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