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If you would never take someone elses ideas then you have become really lost. There is a difference between taking an idea, and copying someones work. I can say that nearly 100% of the stuff done here is taken from an idea someone else had. I can say 100% because not one thing I have scene here is new, I can't say I have sceen anything on the web that is new, completely new. The goal of design is to take a lot of good ideas and put them together and present them in a way that interacts with the user. You end up with something that is appealing by using the ideas of others. This idea is crystalized in the oft used quote "Good artists copy, great artists steal" os "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants." What these quotes are telling you is that using a good idea that someone else had is not a bad thing it is a nescessity for progress. I don't think you should limit yourself like that in your web design. You obviously use someone elses idea in that you do [i]Tribal[/i] work is not an idea you came up with on your own. It is an idea that has been around for thousands of years, but you are able to use that idea and morph it into something that is yours. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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