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here are some (quick!) statistics: Current Sink stats (meaning that these threads are in limbo, and we should go to http://ozoneasylum.com/smartsink and do some work ;-)): threads/from forum 410 3D Modelling & Rendering Archives 543 BIG SIG Archives 1461 DHTML/Javascript Archives 3091 OZONE Archives 918 Philosophy Archives 711 Photoshop Archives 203 Print Graphics Archives 226 PS Pong Competition - Archived Games! 1512 Server-Side Scripting Archives Please note that not all forums do sink at all. Here are the current threads in each forum: 14 ***WARNING*** BIG SIG APPROACHING 25 DHTML/Javascript 32 Distributed Ward 71 Getting to know the Grail 181 Mad Scientists' Laboratory 374 Multimedia/Animation 216 Outpatient Counseling 104 OZONE 37 Philosophy and other Silliness 282 Photography 21 Photoshop 4 Photoshop Pong, Anyone? 3 Print Graphics 60 PSPong.com - Working Area! 33 Server-Side Scripting - Oh my! 762 Site reviews! 294 Stupid Basic HTML 929 XML - XSL - XSLT - XHTML - CSS - DOM (Up to the minute stats are on the front page (for most of them)). You can clearly see that some of them are not being 'sunk', XML for example. Funnily enough, we have exactly 250 active (ie. thread posting) members in the last 3 months. 194 in the last month, 318 in 6 months. This goes up to 414 if I add in a whole year. (The numbers are: 1 Month = 139, 3 Months = 183, 6 Months = 238, 12 Months = 320 if I exclude anyone with just one post in the respective time frame). so long, ->Tyberius Prime
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