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I am going to disagree on the Sig forum. I think that one *needs* to go back into PS. The reason I say this is that, that forum is dying as well. I think that putting all of these graphical competitions into one forum will increase the graphical output and input. It might turn around where we have a huge glut of sig content, but we really don't have that now, or in the past bunch of months. These forums only worked good separately when we had enough active members in each area to keep them all hoping with new and clever content, and were they to have been melded together would have been too much to work through. As for having a HTML/XML/CSS I agree that we could/should keep a single forum to compact these two. I still see some really nice stuff going on in the DHTML forum, there is a lot of energy there, which, other than for philosophy I can't say the same. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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