OZONE Asylum
POW - Week 69: Vista
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[url=http://www.taohome.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/pool.htm]Liverpool from the top of the Anglican Cathedral[/url] Gosh, it's been a long while since I posted in this lovely part of the Asylum. My initial plan was to visit the Anglican Cathedral, take some shots of the stained glass windows, then go to the top and take a series of photos covering 360 degrees and stich them to-ge-th-er in PS. Four words to remember buddies, preparation, preparation, preparation, [b]preparation[/b]. I paid my photographers fees to the geezer who handles such stuff for the cathedral, took a dozen or so shots of the stained glass, none of which turned out very well (it's not just point and click I realised) I then asended the stairs and lifts. After paying another fee, got to the top and found that I had to take each photo through a narrow opening in the brickwork. This meant I had to tilt and angle the camera to cover as much of the [b]vista[/b] as possible. Then guess what happened after I'd taken about eight or nine pics. Oh yes, [b]flat batteries[/b] [img]http://www.taohome.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/images/cryin.gif[/img] So, acentuating the positive, I'm calling that a trial run. Next time I think I will need to find some way of ensuring that the distant horizon stays flat instead of the rounded one I was getting here. I think this must be achieved by keeping the camera level through all the shots. OlssonE, those "lunar" photos can be tricky to get right can't they. That second clicky has a great atmosphere to it. briggl, those photographs are awesome. Jason, I can see I'm going to be pestering you via IM for some tips on stitching. Jacob (I think it is he in the Colorado panorama) looks like he's having a rare old time playing in the snow and grass. Why's that one called "burn area" btw? cyoung, some gorgeous shots there. I've not tried taking photos of lightning before, but after seeing those I'm gonna. Guess you must need a "B" setting on the camera to capture those?
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