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The places I particularly notice your use of 'px' is when specifying widths and heights of boxes that contain text. These values should be specified as 'em' or '%'. For example, you have specified the #sidebar to be 150px wide with a left margin of 20px. If you changed those values to 20.8% for the width and 2.7% for the margin, the page should look the same, but will scale to maintain the same proportions when someone looks at the page at a different resolution. You can try this out yourself by changing the screen resolution on your machine to display at a different resolution and see how the page looks at different screen resolutions and window sizes. Since everything is specified using 'px' you won't see much difference in the page as you change the window size because all the elements will stay the same relative size. You will see radical differences in the page as you change from one screen resolution to another. I was just looking at the source for the page while making some comments below and realized that the image you are using for the background of #package is the reason you are using 'px' as a unit. I would suggest you find a different way to create the drop shadow for #sidebase. Possibly removing the drop shadow from the #package background image and placing the #sidebar in another <div> with the shadow float:right inside that <div> will work. This will give your design more flexibility so you are not mandating its width with the #package background image. ============ It is a very pretty page. I like the layout and the graphical design. The page presents a minimalist view which I always think is good in page design, but then you add just a touch of color with the red and green ivy leaves in the upper left corner. The way you have the bottom leaves and shadow overlapping the top of the menu draws the eye down into the menu which is where you want it to be after they look at the content. If you were to place a colored horizontal rule in the middle of the content, just above or below the grey box titled "Hvorfor velge sprosser fra oss" it would draw the eye back into the content from the menu creating a cycle from content to the windows at the top to the leaves to the menu and back to the content. This keeps the eye moving on the page and holds the viewers interest rather than sending the eye wandering off to look at something else. You might also want to add something to the fly-out menus so they will standout from the content when visible. Maybe add a wider or brighter border or a drop shadow as you have with the #sidebar. Since I don't know Norwegian, the page makes me wonder what the content is about. I can't figure it out from the image and the layout. Is your father selling windows or maybe he is a building contractor? This question is more for my personal interest, but in future designs you might want to think about how pages present themselves to people without the accompanying text. I feel that trying to address the question of what this page is about when I can't read the text would create a radical re-design of this page and it is such a pretty page, it probably is not worth the effort to try to add the additional information that could be conveyed without the text. . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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