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Everything what Suho said and more! The links in the front page are hard to read with that planetary background. changing the color might help there but still I can't catch much of a drift of what the site is actually for... Like Suho said the bg is too obvious Im guessing you either took one of the preset PS patterns or just took it off someone's site. Try making it from scratch that effect is darn simple just some noise and leveling and you have yourself a perfectly smooth starscape. And is this just me of when you're on each page and you scroll down to the bottom it's like BAM! Rock Bottom! Your pages just end abruptly! One moment you're reading about Restraunts in Interstellar Space and the next it's like [i]"Whoa major page whipe out!"[/i] add a little space at the bottom if you don't want to add a footer if not add the footer! That way people who read the site will atleast get an idea that yes the page ends here and not that hmmm perhaps this guys was in a hurry and just thought I'll stop here upload then when i get the time continue and upload again! Footers Good!! Finally and this is really creepy... I'm looking at your syntax and I see XHTML but it's not XHTML... You've mixed HTML with XHTML I know I know there's not much of a difference but stick to one thing it's easier to understand plus if you'll be updating your tech later it won't be much of a hassle. Other than that Suho covered most of the Content and me the Design. Cheerio! [img]http://www.timdorr.com/neosig/sigs/templar.gif[/img]
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