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Thank you all for the help. I do agree that the page is a little miss leading and that I should work on a better title for the page. But the truth is that I didn't even think that much about it. [quote] Most of the confusion stems from the content and the way the site is set up. For starters, the text on your "home" page doesn't say anything about the site. The fact that the links are operational should be a minor note (although, to be honest, I wonder if it really needs mentioning at all). [/quote] I am going to remove that.. I just put that up there because on the first day I created the page last minute and nothing really worked. Most of the links were dead and my teacher was raggin on me about it. I do need to add something here that pertains to the page though. [quote] Like Suho said the bg is too obvious Im guessing you either took one of the preset PS patterns or just took it off someone's site. Try making it from scratch that effect is darn simple just some noise and leveling and you have yourself a perfectly smooth starscape. [/quote] I did make a background that was more complex and prettier but it was very large and hard to tile so I just cut a smaller simple piece from the larger image and tiled it. It did make the page look a little shittier but on the flip side the image was comparatively smaller in size and had much less effect on the load time of the page. If I have time I might give it another try though. Thanks for the idea of the just a footer. I didn't even realize that I did that when making the page. I am also going to change the color of the font on the planet image that will be ab easy one to do and I think that it will make a big difference. Putting all of the reviews(essays) and concepts on just two separate pages making interal links to all of them is a good idea and I was going to do that but the teacher said that he wanted them all on separate pages so that they could be printed individually for grading. I could set it up so that they are all on the same page and just make a little link by each on with a printer friendly version. [quote] Finally and this is really creepy... I'm looking at your syntax and I see XHTML but it's not XHTML... You've mixed HTML with XHTML I know I know there's not much of a difference but stick... [/quote] I didn't see what you were referring to in the code but I am not one to question considering that I don't have a strong understanding of the difference between the two but if you could give me a page and maybe a snippet of the code I might be able to see what you are referring to. Again I would like to thank all of you for the help and I would like to continue this post but I have a test in about twenty minutes.
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