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Outpatient Counseling
Contract Question
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I was under the impression this is the way things worked. That as a freelancer the "work made for hire" laws did not apply, and that all rights to finished work were retained by me. I had read on numerous occasions designers selling the full rights at a later time for a much higher cost, although it always seemed a bit [i]off [/i]to me to do something like that. I do not plan on 'dicking' anyone, but when I had a lawyer friend help me with the contract he suggested it. hehe, go figure. What you say makes perfect sense, and considering most of my clients are small to medium sized business' I don't want to scare them off, rip them off, or make them feel like I am taking advantage of them. I changed the contract to read: [quote] GRANT OF RIGHTS: Upon receipt of full payment, [i]Ramasax [/i]grants to the Client full and exclusive rights to the finished Work. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: [i]Ramasax [/i]retains the right to use finished Work in materials of a promotional nature.[/quote] And they bit. Works for me. :) Thanks for the much needed perspective. Now what to do with the other clients I have who have signed the contract as it was originally written... Should I sign off all the rights to them? It is fine by me, but does anyone else have another perspective? Anyone not agree with WarMage, or is that the general concensus in the community at large? Thanks, Ramasax
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