OZONE Asylum
General legal use of photo's
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This is a tricky area. Generally, there's safety in numbers, so to speak. You can take a photo of a skyline and use it how you wish. However, when a single building is featured, it's highly recommended you get a property release, as buildings can be both copyrighted and trademarked. (Two very different things, by the way.) Now, you can take pictures of buildings, houses, whatever, all you want -- as long as you're standing on public property when you do it. Publishing it, however, outside an editorial context without permission can get you into trouble. It's generally the same with people. If you take a picture of a person and he is reasonably identifiable either by appearance or circumstance, you'd better have a model release before trying to publish it. Again, you can take all the pictures of him you want as long as he's in public -- though there are points of ettiquette to be considered -- but publishing is different. And like with a skyline, crowds are generally safe. This sort of thing can be a lot of trouble, yes. But so is getting sued, so it's better to be safe. I always try to get releases signed when I can. Besides, having the proper releases on a photo can increase its value when licensing it. Dan Heller has some good stuff to say on the subject, by the way; [url=http://www.danheller.com/model-release.html]I recommend reading it[/url]. (By the way, I'm not a lawyer and I can be wrong sometimes.) [url=http://www.texastwisted.com][img]http://www.bigwaste.com/asylum/sig_awesome_01.gif[/img][/url]
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