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Having trouble with scrollbars on new browser window
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Hello again, Now I'm almost done on this site but the new browser window javascript behaviour that I used to add the pages is not getting scrollbars in IE. In Firefox they are fine, In Netscape the scroll bars are not long enough although I've lengthened the pages beyond their normal length to try to overcome that. I can't use this method of linking to the secondary pages if the scroll bars don't work. Here's the url - http://healthyover50.com/index.html The ones that need scrollbars are on the right - the hotel pages. I'd really love it if you have a solution to this problem, Another weird thing - I can't see some corrected pages that I uploaded today either. They still have the bad old pictures. It seems to be the same problem as yesterday with my other site - which I still haven't seen the corrections on yet. Thanks a lot, Pam
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