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We are getting a couple of posts ever month or so which might be classified as Spam. http://www.ozoneasylum.com/25839 or http://www.ozoneasylum.com/25769 I would classify both as Spam. I would like to see these threads shutdown and deleted immediately. This causes others to not waste there time Spamming us. I do not want to assist in increasing the relevance of there site by letting their threads sit here and able to be easily crawled. Some of these threads can become something a little more worthwhile, as the first on in that example. But are still Spam. If you have any other thoughts on this please let me know. I would like to take a very aggressive stance against there but do not want to do so unless I have some kind of consensus form other MSes. So lets hash this one out a bit to see how we all view this issue, and then we can come up with an appropriate response. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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