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I have to agree with the comments so far, sparse as they may be. The question, to me, turns more into "what would I keep?" The answer is in two parts: 1) I would keep the content. 2) I would keep the desire and dedication involved in making this kind of website - it is a great thing to put your passion on the web in a manner intended for the benefit of others and with a goal of community and sharing of information. The design itself is unattracted both visually and code-wise. I would lose the frames, I would lose the tables, and I would definately lose the times new roman typeface, and the default colorings (the default grey, black and blue is just very tiresome on the eyes...) I would suggest perusing the Gurus Network - both the links section (some good photoshop tutorials may help the graphics, and there are several great CSS tutorials that will help get started), and the links section - lots of great links to CSS layout tutorials and articles. Really can't get more specific at the moment - it looks like perhaps it is 'baby steps' time on this end of things. But as I said, keep the drive that got you this far - it's great to see actual content come online! [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][img]http://www.in-dented.com/sigs/knot_sig_32.gif[/img][/url]
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