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Mersey River Festival
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Thanks Ian, I'd love to be able to say I made the album from scratch in Flash, but,,, It is a flash based extension for FlashMX 2004 called [url=http://www.slideshowpro.net/index.php]SlideShow Pro[/url]. I only have a basic understanding of using Flash MX and XML but I found, after a few hangups and breakdowns that I could a) Get it to work ;) b) customize nearly all of the functions and c) erm I've forgotten what c) was, but it was good :p Here is another photomerge, I think this one looks a little better, though you can still see the "joins" [url=http://www.taohome.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/album3/lg/triberth.jpg] Tri Berth (281kb)[/url] I haven't cleaned the merged image up yet, mainly because I'm feeling a bit lazy, and I've only got another hour on the computer before going "walkabout" for a few days again. :) Talking of stiched photos, did you notice that the first photo I posted here (khersones.jpg) at the top, has been stiched? I could not get the whole of the Khersones in one shot, so I took two and "stiched them up like a kipper, good and proper" said in my best estuarine accent ;)
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