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Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: PA, US
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-26-2005 21:31

Hey all, just wondering if I could get some feedback on this. I am not the best writer and any errors you see and or clarifiactions you think I need to make, please point them out. It is fairly long, so I will start it in the nest post.


Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: PA, US
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-26-2005 21:31

This is a short piece I wrote that I wanted to share with everyone here who seems concerned.

So our Republic was officially stolen from us on Thursday, June 23rd, 2005. Remember that date. Most Americans who realize what this means are up in arms, and many of them are asking a single question. What now? What do we do when government fails us on such a basic level?

Well, I don?t propose to have the answers, but I do have a lot to say. This is long, but I hope you will read this and think.

I?ll start with a few historical quotes to ease into what I have to say:

"Unless you become more watchful in your States and check this spirit of monopoly and thirst for exclusive privileges you will in the end find that the most important powers of Government have been given or bartered away, and the control of your dearest interests have been passed into the hands of these corporations."
--President Andrew Jackson, Farewell Address, March 4, 1837

"Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains."
-- Thomas Jefferson to Horatio Gates Spafford, 17 Mar. 1817

"Behind the visible government there is an invisible government upon the throne that owes the people no loyalty and recognizes no responsibility. To destroy this invisible government, to undo the ungodly union between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the task of a statesman."
--Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, during his 1912 election campaign

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted."
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower, farewell address

"Another weapon I discovered early was the power of the printed word to sway souls to me. The newspaper was soon my gun, my flag- a thing with a soul that could mirror my own."
-- Adolph Hitler

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson."
-- Franklin D. Roosevelt, being honest for once.

"I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
-- Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 1816.

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country ... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war." -- Abraham Lincoln, letter to Col. William F. Elkins, Nov 21, 1864

"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate systematical job of reducing us to slaves."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"...somebody has to take governments' place, and business seems to me to be a logical entity to do it."
-- David Rockefeller - Newsweek International, Feb 1 1999.

"Of course, I have as much power as the President has."
-- Bill Gates

Ok, enough of the contextual quotes. Now, where do we go from here?

To be honest folks, I really don't know what the best course of action is. My prerogative is just to make as much noise as I possibly can, being loud and bold, riling and educating as many Americans as I can along the way, and I don't care what ideology they are, as this affects us all. This is not a partisan issue, not about Republican versus Democrat, not about finger pointing or anything else; this is an issue that affects every single one of us, home "owners" and future home "owners" alike. Property rights are the keystone to our country, and all other rights are a derivative of this basic truth. This is a fight for our children's future against tyranny, which I'm sorry to say, appears what they have planned for us, and that is more important to me than anything else. I don't care if it?s Republicans or Democrats or anyone else who gets in our way; we have to push their rhetoric aside, watch their actions instead, and stick to our foundations.

As I said, I don?t know what the best course of action is, because I don't believe our voice counts much anymore. I have seen polls all over the Internet and in every case there were thousands upon thousands of votes and all of them were above 90% against, most in the high 90?s. The media, of course, would have you believe otherwise, and you will probably be told this is not as bad as it seems. You only have to stop and realize that the people who will tell you this are those who stand to gain from this.

While these numbers are not scientific per se, they are pretty indicative of the general opinion. I have been chatting with people from all over the spectra, and the attitude is rock solid against. Anyone I have spoken to that says they agree with this is easily converted when you educate them on what it means. They are usually just misinformed, which is quite normal today.

The point is that there have been instances, a lot of them in recent years, where our lawmakers totally disregard our input, on all levels. If you live in a city where you voted against a stadium, and yet they still built it using your tax dollars, or if you live in Texas where the overwhelming majority were against 6,000 miles of toll roads and transponders in your vehicles (which most other states are now considering as well), or you are one of those people enraged by the open borders and calls for amnesty to the illegal invasion, calling the Minutemen vigilantes, telling the border patrol to stand down while Mexican Zetas and other criminals invade our sovereignty in the South-West, the passage of a de facto national ID card (Real ID Act) under the guise of immigration reform, property tax increased to the point where people have lost their homes, confiscating land for ?nature conservation? and five years later when everyone has forgotten, selling it off to the highest bidder to build condos, $600 billion dollar trade deficits and climbing since the institution of NAFTA, with CAFTA in the works all the while Wal-Mart selling our nations manufacturers out the communist Chinese (not to mention the latest bids on both Maytag and Unocal by the Chinese), GM and Ford bonds considered junk and massive layoffs, pensions being revoked, proposal to raise the retirement age to sixty-nine, you know what I mean.

The list goes on and on with examples of our voice and our wishes being disregarded because they say they know what is "best for us." And the excuse, the "common good." Such scary and relative words, especially when coming from those in government. It is a mix of socialism and extremely corrupted globally integrated marketplaces that are no longer free, and that, my friends, is known as corporatism, just another word for a fascist state as Mussolini himself, the father of fascism, said. The worst form of tyranny always comes from those who feel morally justified in their actions for "the good of the people."

There is a point where we the people have to say enough is enough, we want our country back! If we don't stand up at some point, draw that line in the sand, we have already lost and might as well get on our knees and kiss the king's feet.

As I see it we have four "legal" options, and none of them, considering all this, are that bright, because we are working within the confines of an already corrupt and rigged system:

1) Court overturns ruling. (not likely, laughable)

2) Representatives bring impeachment charges, Congress convicts. (not likely, we might get the lower level Representatives to push it to the Senate with enough pressure, but I think it would die there. Think about it. Most of these people own tons of stock or are on the boards of directors for many corporations, why would they want to interrupt the status quo?)

3) Constitutional Amendment (not likely, and should not be needed.)

The reason things have gotten so bad is because we have already done this, look at the 14th Amendment, study it, and realize what it did. Not only did it give corporations the status of citizenship, but it made us all SUBJECT to the jurisdiction of the US, took away rights and gave us privileges in return. See: states rights, sovereignty. If you are a subject with privileges, are you a sovereign and free individual? There is a big difference between inalienable rights and privileges, and I choose the former. If you don?t understand the difference, then I suggest you learn.

Or the 16th Amendment which started the illegal operation known as the IRS to tax us without census or enumeration. Every try deciphering the tax code? What is taxable income? Ever get a straight answer. It is a fraud.

Or the 17th Amendment, which moved us closer to ?democracy,? nothing more than mob rule, tyranny of the majority over the minority, and away from the Republic by having us elect Senators rather than our Senators being chose by OUR representatives, thus disrupting the natural flow of power. The Representatives are the most important part of our government, because they are supposed to be the People?s voice.

All of these should be repealed, as the first ten were plenty, and covered it all, we just had to follow and enforce them. The rest is sleight of hand to usurp the power from the people.

4) Get our states to protect us (possible, but only a short term solution to a much larger problem)

I guess I am a pessimist, but the reason I see most of these as not likely is because government has had more than a century of unchecked activity and our media conglomerates work against us. This fatal decision is already traveling down the old Orwellian memory hole as far as they are concerned. The day after this decision at the daily White House press briefing, how many questions were asked about this? One, uno! What did Scott McClellan have to say? "The president and I have not discussed that yet." Not discussed it!! Come on, this is the worst decision in most of our lifetimes, and they hadn't discussed it?! Perhaps the president was too busy taking in a National's game the night before, but I will tell you what, if I was supposedly pushing for a so-called ownership society, and something like this happened and I really cared, I would not be at a ballgame with the good ol' boys! I would be rallying Americans to the cause of freedom, true freedom. I guess the real question would be is WHO owns what?

All the rest were whether Karl Rove was going to apologize for his comments about liberals and other meaningless dribble that is not about REAL issues, but high-level entertainment, crafted to distract us from reality. They control public perception, and without them, all we have to go on is alternative media, internet, blogging, newsletters, activism, which to me are the closest thing to the people's voice there is. We have been asleep and content for far too long, and a sleeping populace has never in history ended up with anything else than what we have and the direction I believe we are quickly headed.

Who controls the airwaves? Government complicit with corporations.

Who controls the schools and determines curriculum for our children? Government, dumbing us down. Fools and conformists are easier to control than those who learn to think for themselves. It has been shown through history that a state run school is the complete blueprint for a totalitarian society.

Who controls the press? Multi-national corporations complicit with government.

Who controls the land? Government complicit with multi-national corporations. This is nothing new, it is just out in your face now.

Who controls the economy? Government complicit with corporations, private corporations all the way up to the Federal Reserve itself, a centralization of private power of the worst kind. The founder of the Rothschild dynasty, one of the biggest banking institutions of history, Mayer Amschel Bauer, told the secret of controlling the government of a nation over two-hundred years ago. He said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." Get the picture? If you don?t know a lot about the Federal Reserve and how fractional reserve banking works, I suggest you read up on that as well.

Who controls a lot of our water supplies, multi-national corporations invited in by government. My water company here in Pittsburgh and along a lot of the east-coast is owned by a German company named RWE Thames, the world?s third largest water corporation. Do you know who owns your water? Remember, water is life, we cannot live without it. Do you trust your life to greed and the bottom line?

Who controls a lot of the electronic voting that is going in all around the country? Corporations, which I have done some research on, actually had a copy of the voting software from Diebold, and being in computers all I can say is it is NOT secure, and open to all kinds of mischievous activity. I was able to hack the software in two minutes, access the database, change votes, clean up my trail, and exit, and I am not even a professional, just a mere web developer. Scary.

Who controls our very culture and holds a lot of direct responsibility for the degradation of our values and other things true conservatives care about. Corporations. Why has homosexuality, violence, abortion, rampant rape, murder and drug use, etc become so prevalent in our society? Because through media, they have normalized and desensitized us to these things. We can?t blame the people partaking in such as much as those who have thrust it into their lives and cultivated it. We don?t have culture anymore, mom?s apple pies are out the window, we have logos and billboards telling us to be good little consumers.

Think about it. After the Japanese hit Pearl Harbor, the nation was up in arms and the entire nation was mobilized behind a cause. What happened after 9/11, we were told to go out and buy buy buy.

They are the culprits, and they are all selling us out for the bottom line. That, my friends, is criminal, and I dare say there were some men a long time ago were chucking tea off a boat for a lot less. The amount of tyranny you live under is the exact amount that you will tolerate. How much more can you tolerate?

We have already lost in my opinion and the only way to get it back is to get the public backlash at a level where our Representatives must act or else.

If our elected Representatives do not or will not act, then perhaps we have a bigger problem than just the 5th amendment being burned.

While I would hate to see anything of a violent nature happen, as I have always been of the opinion we could take this back peacefully, they are getting in our face, the gloves are off now and they have exposed the true agenda. It has been said that "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Thomas Jefferson, smart guy, knew his stuff, and grasped the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our founding fathers, if you read their writings, all foresaw this, they wrote it all down, and our nation has been lulled to sleep, thus forgetting the lessons and teachings of history, which without, we are lost and doomed. Ask the average high-schooler to tell you about the Constitution or the founding of this Republic or the contradicting differences between democracy and a Constitutional Republic, and you?ll know what I am talking about.

You want to change things? Get active. Make others aware, get them motivated and active. My talent, if you want to call it that, is writing, so I started a blog and stick to the issues that matter and affect us most. I also go around the Internet expressing my views to people of all ideologies, hoping to bring us closer together. If you are a decent writer and want a voice, use Blogger or something similar, or start your own.

If you have other talents, use them, but the most important thing is to learn the issue you want to speak on, and get that word out to as many people as you can.

Network with others who share your goals; join forces. United we stand, divided we fall is more than just words. If you have good organizational skills, something I sorely lack, arrange a protest in your home town advocating property rights; we must force them, both in government and media, to heed us. Don?t let up. If the outcry is loud enough, the corporate media must respond or risk being exposed as what they are, mouthpieces of either party and advertisement agencies. You will likely be demonized by them, but more and more people will see through it, and you will know deep down you are doing what is right, and you will make your founding fathers, who are likely rolling in their graves right now, proud once again, because as it stands, it is us, the People, who have failed.

In the meantime, read as much history as you can, not just one view, look at different views of history and decide for yourself. The good thing about history is you get a contextual view without the rhetoric. Read up on the history of banking and money, very important. Read the business section of the news. The mergers, the flow of money worldwide, who owns what, who is part of what, which elected representatives own stock in what, etc. because to me that is really where the news and policies are made, in boardrooms, not in Washington.

Use the Internet, you have all human knowledge at your fingertips, and all you have to do is learn to discern, using your God-given intelligence, between fact and fiction. Other resources are the US Congress and your state legislature websites where you can see all the proposed bills, and voice your opinion on them before the media covers them, which is usually shortly before, if not after, they are passed.

I was just a normal American until Thursday, but now I am a Patriot in a fight for my freedom. I have a cause and I will not stop until I have secured the future of this nation for coming generations. Nothing else really matters. People can laugh at me, call me names, try to distract me from the reality with fake-news, but I will not stop, even if I end up standing alone or dead. I have a conscience, and will not leave future generations to a life of servitude.

This country is not made up of Liberals and Conservatives, blacks and whites, gays and straights, but Americans, We the People, and we are all in the same boat when it comes to government intrusion and corruption such as this, and we all need to do the following:

Memorize to heart the Constitution and Bill of Rights and base all your decisions regarding your nation on those documents alone, no matter which party. That is the Law of the Land, and nothing should be above that original law, it is the foundation of everything, and without that foundation you are merely building a house of cards, destined to come crumbling down much like the Roman Empire collapsed from corruption within. These are not ?living documents? to be changed and interpreted as our lawmakers see fit for their agenda, but timeless documents, the blueprint for everything we cherish and value as real Americans. That is our banner, that is our rally point, and if we wish to be free and sovereign individuals, we must band together, putting petty differences of the day aside. We are so wrapped up in the terrorist threat from without, that we are failing to see the horrible and far more dangerous enemy within.

Realize the simple fact that left/right is an illusion, a set of parameters laid out for you, nothing more. It is a divide and conquer technique that has been used by governments all throughout history. Those are not the only two choices. Be a Patriot or Constitutionalist, as all great Americans who love their country should be, above all else. Realize that you should always love your country, but government is a ?dangerous servant and fearful master? and is NOT your friend, but the most dangerous enemy a population can have if left unchecked. It is our duty and obligation as sovereign individuals to realize this distinction.

For the Conservatives here, I am a Conservative, but I will not be caught with my pants down bickering about what Dick Durbin or Karl Rove has to say, or some tabloid book about Hillary, or any other non-news divisive plays while my country is ripped from under my very feet on the slide. I say NO, not while I am alive.

At some point in time we must face the appalling fact that we have been betrayed by both the Democratic and Republican Parties, who play us as fools. The evidence is everywhere, just open your eyes and see.

The Republicans propose to be for free market and the ownership society, yet create laws left and right that routinely help corporations screw the American public, and leave the borders wide open to bring in cheap labor. The Democrats, on the other side, use the back door of the courts through reverse psychology, i.e. false liberalism, to do the same. The so-called Liberals are always on about the ?corporate welfare,? and now all of sudden they are for the biggest proponents of ?corporate welfare? ever conceived in this nation in one swift swoop. Unbelievable.

Seems like the ultimate end, when you combine both agendas, is to flood this country with people from the south for cheap labor, build lots of new businesses through this decision, and herd us all into modern plantations to be watched over by our corporate/government masters, not owners, but slaves. If I were thinking like a businessman with no value system but that of the almighty dollar, that would be my tactic to increase productivity and profit. Think about it. You may disagree with me, but I beg you to think about it.

I'll step down off the soapbox now. Some of you may not agree with everything I have said here, and that is great, because that is the American way, but I urge you all to act the best you know how, study the past, and I hope I have at least made you think, and perhaps planted a seed for tomorrow.

I am no leader, hardly, I don?t want to be one, and don?t propose to have all the answers or be right in all my observations, but together, united, perhaps we can find them. That is what self-government is all about and if we work together we can affect change, real change. For the future of our nation and our peoples. Time is running out.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to reprint this, unaltered of course, anywhere you like.


(Edited by Ramasax on 06-26-2005 21:56)

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: PA, US
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-26-2005 21:39

Oh, and DL, this was meant to be moving and, what's the word, melodramatic, to an extent, so go easy on me if you reply.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Rochester, New York, USA
Insane since: May 2000

posted posted 06-27-2005 05:16

Good article. Way too long. Break it down into smaller bite sized chunks and I can see distribution being far easier.


Setup a simple webpage to host this content on. I have something similar planned, but it is on the backburner for now, as more mundane aspects of my existance are taking presidence.

I think this is good. Keep doing things like this, I can see nothing but good coming from it.

Dan @ Code Town

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: The Land of one Headlight on.
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 06-27-2005 07:26

Yup.... what he^ said. Consider what you've done there, the initial purge of your outrage... now go back and do some judicious editing and re-writing. I'd drop the income tax fraud bit. Statements like that, true or not, put you too close to being in league with the 'conspiracy' crowd and that's not what you want.. At least I don't think you do.

And all those quotes... maybe consider inserting them before/after relevant points.

Not sure if "prerogative" is the word you're looking for. 'Objective' maybe?

Anyway... good on ya for having the gumption (sp?) and guts to make your thoughts known. For old farts like me... it's somewhat encouraging. =) Just don't get into the conspiracy mode.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: PA, US
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-28-2005 09:06

Thanks for the comments WM and NJ, and I am glad you both like it. I've had a busy couple of days, but will keep your words in mind when I polish it, probably tomorrow.

Setup a simple webpage to host this content on. I have something similar planned, but it is on the backburner for now, as more mundane aspects of my existance are taking presidence.

Already have a site going. I'll post a link to it when I get the article done.

Let me know when you get something up and I'll be sure to link over to you.

NoJive: All depends what you mean by conspiracy mode. If you think I am going to start chanting 'death to ZOG' and claim that the Jews or lizards rule the world, no worries.

On the other hand, if you are talking small groups of powerful men in business and politics, not necessarily interconnected, gathering to make decisions that affect and determine the flow of world events, I guess I am already there. What I don't really go for is the all encompassing 'master plan' of 'evil elites' all working together for the 'New World Order.' I did slide down that road when I first started digging deep, but regained my balance after a lot of thought. Since being manipulated into being a neo-con and really not thinking in terms of the bigger picture, and then waking up, I have grown a lot more weary and questioning of everything.

I try to stay objective, but I'll admit it is hard being that I am a passionate person.

I basically have come to the conclusion that powerful individuals, or groups of individuals, acting independently of one another for the sole purpose of profit coupled often with a lack of conscience and lust for power, are having a similar effect on the world as the New World Order people say. An effect that does sometimes look planned by an organized group of 'evil elites,' but is not necessarily so. That's just my interpretation anyways.

I never really considered the tax thing as conspiracy though. I do realize it is totally unprovable through law, as I know the law is a tad tricky in that area, but it was crafted as such and that is where my suspicions lie. Would it be better if I changed it from the appearance of a foregone conclusion by saying the IRS is a 'questionable' organization rather than an 'illegal' one? Probably.

Also, lately it seems that people running around like me talking about the Constitution and Bill or Rights have been characterized in a way that makes us seem to be in the conspiracy crowd, so there is a fine line and it hangs on current perceptions. A large portion of this country is really hardline left/right currenly (although I think more and more are getting a foul taste in their mouth and coming out of the coma, good sign, lets just hope they don't get sucked back in when all the fancy rhetoric and adverts of elections start flying in 06) and they get confused if you try to pull them out of that strata. If they can't call you a Liberal or a neo-con, they kind of get angry, and the easiest way to convice themselves you are wrong is to say you're a nut.

Oh well, as I said at the end of my article, I just want to plant seeds to get people thinking and involved. I don't even care if they form an opinion totally different from mine, so long as that seed grows, they wake up, they become active in the process, discarding divisive rhetoric and adopting compromise instead. We the people need our Republic back and that's all that matters.

I only worry what other horrible things could happen in the meantime, as it is not going to happen overnight. I often ask myself if it is not already too late, not that it would stop me from pressing on, but I am pessimistic at times.


Paranoid (IV) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2002

posted posted 06-28-2005 14:57
Why has homosexuality, violence, abortion, rampant rape, murder and drug use, etc become so prevalent in our society? ...

I dont know how to take this sentence, but I can't help but see discrimination against sexual orientation. I would suggest drop the homosexual part, it really might not make you look good. I know you probably dont care, but homosexuality is not somehting you choose, beside you are placing it in comparison with violence, abortion, rape and murder...

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: PA, US
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-28-2005 19:22

I see your point Ruski. I do want the article to reach out to all peole and not turn anyone away, so I will remove it.


Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Jun 2005

posted posted 06-29-2005 01:56

Ramasax, I usually wouldn't even comment on this, since it's a political/economic issue. And because I find the political/economic arena so difficult to understand and grasp beyond "money talks and b.s. walks", I can be considered as one of the Americans who just "sit by and let stuff happen". Your average joe, in other words. Politically stupid, is what I call folks like myself.

So my only comment is to congradulate you. It's a great article, and even someone as "politically stupid" as myself could follow it and understand it and generate the motivation and INTEREST to question the workings behind government. Keep it up.

In the web that is my own, I begin again...

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Rochester, New York, USA
Insane since: May 2000

posted posted 06-29-2005 03:24

You have to love this.

Dan @ Code Town

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: PA, US
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-29-2005 04:34

Belladonna, thank you, I am glad it was understandable to the lesser informed masses, that was the goal. As far as being politically stupid, you understand well enough when you say "money talks...."

You have to love this.

Yup, I'll look forward to visiting the 'just deserts' cafe if it actually goes through.

I know one thing, if and when New London decides to go forth with this project, I will probably be up there on bulldozer day to join the residents, and I get the feeling I'll not be alone. And besides, perhaps it would be a wonderful opportunity to experience first hand what its like to be tasered.


Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Sthlm, Sweden
Insane since: Sep 2000

posted posted 06-29-2005 11:48

WM, I just got that in the mail. Truly wonderful stuff, and I really really hope they will go through with it.

For a very interesting movie on the subject (Grand Theft Building 13mb):
where they are closing down the GranHavana Cafe in San Diego.

Really upsetting.. I have to say it makes me physically ill...

(Edited by Nimraw on 06-29-2005 11:52)

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: PA, US
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 06-29-2005 17:39

Thanks for posting the video Nimraw. I find it kind of telling that the guy had his house taken by the Russians in Afghanistan, and now the same thing is happening in America.

The American Dream is dead. RIP.


(Edited by Ramasax on 06-29-2005 17:48)

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: PA, US
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 07-01-2005 22:35

for anyone interested, I finished the column and it can be viewed on my website,

Here's a direct link to the column itself.

Comments and crits welcome.


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