OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Overtime - Over time - More Overtime!!!
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[quote]Do u think its just me, ok so I may be a junior flash + web developer here but what ever happened to being on time and leaving on time.[/quote] Where jobs are scarce, people will go to rather extraordinary means to keep theirs - even if it means working excessive overtime. One question - do you get [i]paid[/i] for your overtime? If you do, I don't think there is really much that you can do to change things much - refusing to work overtime, when it is obviously needed by the company or "expected" will more than likely end in you becoming seperated from the job - there are always dozens (if not more) of people who want that job where jobs are scarce as you have suggested. If you are not being paid for the overtime, then you need to start weighing having a job, vs how much it is really paying - figure out how many hours you are really working, and take a look at your hourly wage as it really is. I personally would use the chance to get badly needed skills, then jump ship at the first opportunity if you are not getting a decent hourly wage.
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