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Darn! I guess all my whining seems to have gotten the better of me. I GOT FIRED!! Man I guess that sums up my work in the ad agency. GUess I'm back on the unemployment list again. Heck its not like its totally my fault(when is it ever) I don't have any issues with staying late - nothing wrong with working 12 - 15 hours if the need calls for it. But when you're hacking away like a jerk for 32 hours straight only to hear being told that 'you're not working as quick as we want you to and you'll need to spedn time learning the stuff OUT of the office' - Question to self if I'm in the office for the greater part of my life having to leave the premises for basic amenities like ,... I dunno sleeping perhaps? And if I'm not aallowed to spend my working time learning and I'm working like 24 -7 with pockets of sleep on pretty much alternative days, then squeezing in time to learn extra stuff could be a tad wee bit hard. Its time like this I do wish for a bit of discipline in life. Man I've almost forgotten what the sky looks like before the twilight.
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