OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Overtime - Over time - More Overtime!!!
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I guess its true that you can't have your cake and eat it too. But the question still remains unanswered like how much overtime is too much overtime. I might not have too many problems with doing overtime now and then - provided I enter and leave the office without having the date change. The pay might have been pretty great though at my 'former' job though but heck with no compensation for overtime and no compensation for work on the weekends except for getting the job done because some stupid project manager had extremely inhuman (or rather super duper human) expectations of his workforce - it seemed a bit exploitiveif you ask me. Its pretty ironic though that on the quest for achieving the four day work week we seem to be going in a complete opposite direction and working even harder than ever - sometimes to excruciating limits that pretty much puts our social and mental well being in jeapordy. But heck I guess we have a long way to go - for now its back to surfing the appointment pages again;)
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