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My sentiments Exactly, proper compensation normally shoudl make up for any extra work being done. Its a fact that overtimes and extra work hours do exist in all industries, and its also ethically fair to state that workers whether skilled or unskilled deserve some sort of extra compensation for extra work they put into. If you ask me I feel project management also has a bit of a role to play. True if your workers are not sincere with their job then that does tend to slow progress down dramatically. However a great deal of responsibility does delve on the part of the project manager to set a proper timeline for getting projects completed. But from what I've noticed it seems that particularly the Advertising Industry thrives on the fact that employees are often overworked at the expense of basic amenities like food, sleep and even a social life. I guess thats passion for work perhaps, but even then everyone reaches his breaking point. Right now I'm starting to have second thoughts of falling out of my 'former' job. I guess after sticking to the deadmans routine for a couple of years I might grow to like it - but then again I might have transformed into a demonitive, Flash hungry predator with not an ounce of compassion for whatever charred remainder of a personal life I would have to cringe on for dear sanity. And thats a monster I wasn't ready to turn into.:eek:
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