OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
Overtime - Over time - More Overtime!!!
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[quote] [b]paritycheck said:[/b] and even though its just my first week(s) [/quote] well, i know that some of the places that I've worked they kind of do this to the new guy. See if he'll stick. Companies that have a large demand from their customers, have a large demand from their employees. And DL-44 said it well with : [quote] [b]DL-44 said:[/b] and quite rankly - that's life. [/quote] I really never mind working overtime. I *kind* of work two jobs and sometimes don't get but about 4hrs sleep a night for a couple of weeks. Gets old, but it has to be done. A company that sees an employee work as hard as it takes to get the job done, will go far with the company. If starting out the job pays very well or even pretty well, then as you move up, more money. A company that sees a new employee, complain about how many hours they work, are not going to go far. Later, C:\ [img]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/cprompt.jpg[/img]
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