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That liability I told you about has suddenly become a non-issue. He has found himself an allegedly well-paid job working sales. I say good luck to him. Our employer has waved goodbye and given him his last month off. Oh well. I suppose I shall just have to suffer the laborious trips abroad to hot countries and five-star food with the clients in his stead - as well as the long hours and last-minute pressures that come with this job. What a shame. How shall I ever cope? Perhaps he'll be well suited to a job behind a... um... phone. Perhaps he'll be happy with the massive commission he claims he'll swipe, and he'll be content in his new career... behind a phone... all day... for years... I don't know - maybe he'll become some sort of Grand High Sales Person and buy a mansion in the South of France where he'll build a global marketing empire and take over Microsoft, or something... Me? I'd rather get on with a good job and plan on the dividends paid by experience and hard graft in a field of work that always changes, always evolves, and challenges me to learn constantly. Perhaps I am fortunate in loving the job I do - it makes my current salary tolerable... for the mean time. If you're going into a new job and you don't think you're going to be hanging around, then put a face on it. Even if you know you're going to ditch that position the moment you find another - work your arse off! Leave, when you eventually do, with a little pride,and make them miss you, rather than being happily rid off you when you go. If a job is worth doing at all, it is worth doing properly - and you never know what you might learn while you're looking for another one. [small]Dammit - I'm ranting again, aren't I? Sorry. :o Time for my sedative, already?[/small] [small][i][b][url=http://www.vectorpark.com/]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://www.i-am-bored.com]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/~xsvobod4/amanita/samorost/intro.html]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://uploads.ungrounded.net/59000/59593_alien_booya.swf]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://members.aol.com/gulfhigh2/words.html]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://www.kiteretsu.jp/on/grow3/]ZZZ[/url][url=http://www.math.ruu.nl/people/beukers/dawkins/dawkins.html]zzz[/url][url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/23036].....[/url][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/b][/i][/small]
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