OZONE Asylum
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I work pretty much 50 hour weeks, but am salaried so I do not get overtime. The work enviornment makes it worthwhile for me. The people I work with are great, and we play quake at least 4 hours per week. But, if you are salaried you have to figure out if it is worthwhile. If you can put in a good 2 or 3 years getting pissed on to come out with an awsome resume and the ability to write your own ticket by all means stick it out. If you are getting paid 2x what other companies would pay you then it sounds like you are being compensated. Advertising is crazy deadlines and crazy hours. I would expect what you are going through to be the norm. There is a reason they made so many movies in the 80's about the people who work in advirtising and have no life. It is the culture of the business. You say it is your first week, toughen up, you need to put in at least 3 months to start to have an idea about what you are into. Stick it out and keep chugging. Dan @ [url=http://www.codetown.org]Code Town[/url]
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