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Well, I am not an expert at all, but I will give you my opinion anyway... Here are a few hints, first (not from me, I gathered them): CAPTURE THE MOMENT You need to observe and anticipate what is going to happen, make sure you catch THE interesting moment of your subject. For instance, if your subject is a cat just about to get a mouse, the effect is going to be very different if you snap it when it's just about to jump, actually jumping or "landing" on the mouse, if you see what I mean. You need to be aware of what exact second you want to capture. And you have to pay attention to every detail while taking your picture. For example, if you're photographing a landscape and you want it to be dramatic or romantic, you may want to catch the bird that's flying across the picture at that very moment with its wings down rather than up. PLAN It is very important to "balance" your picture, but as far as I can see, this is not a problem with you. But the plan can actually [i]be[/i] the interest of your picture. You can easily create some tension in disturbing the balance. As for your second picture (I am tempted to say it's my favourite out of them three), I really like the way the third drop from the right is much shorter than the other ones. In this case, the composition is a real success to me. LIGHT Make sure you've got the perfect light. Sometimes you just need to wait for 2 minutes and the light is much more interesting that it was before. You might need to study the light cycle of your environment... Take your time! *** If you want to be a portrait photographer, you might want to think of different ways of photographing people; you may want to catch them in a very intimate moment, such as deep in thought, or completely aware of you taking a picture, or part of their face, or not facing the camera, and so on... I don't know... *** Now about your pictures (again it's my point of view): PICTURE 1 It is a nice picture, the composition is good and well balanced... but really, when you first see the picture, you think "It's an old boat by a surface water", and then... nothing. There is no surprise, nothing is really happening, it's just a bit dead. It doesn't keep my attention for more than 5 seconds and does not tell me a story. PICTURE 2 This one is my favourite for many reasons: - it tells me a story, I imagine there has been a quick and nasty summer strom, so you had to find a shelter, from which you took this picture. Then you'll walk off and continue your journey. - As I said before, the composition is interesting. You're like in a prison closed by water, the light is outside... I don't know if you see what I mean, but I find this great. - I can here the rain falling on the top of the shelter; this pitcture is full of life, I liked it as soon as I saw it. PICTURE 3 I don't really know what to say about this one. I don't find it very original, I have the feeling I've seen it plenty of times before, and these children are not exactly [i]telling me[/i] something. I am not quite sure about the framing either. I think it's too direct, again there is not much surprise. That's about it, I hope I haven't been too harsh and this will help you a bit. I would like it very much if you posted more of them soon! :)
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