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wannabe photographer
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LaSun: I am glad my comments helped you :) You are quite right about the first one, but it's nothing to throw away either! Honestly, I think this picture of the man is way more powerfull than the one with the two children. What is he thinking about? Is is sad, tired, or just relaxing? There are loads of questions coming to my mind when I look at this picture! It works perfectly to me. [quote]but something about it kind of works for me [/quote] Yes, that's it! IMO the main difference (and probably what works for you as well) is that you caught this man at a special moment. Maybe a second after he would have turned his head, looked up at you and smiled, I don't know, but right there, something is going on. The picture of the children is more like a "family picture" would look like, if you see what I mean. "Stay there, smile... thanks, you may go". I am exagerating a bit, but this is almost it. I think the real secret in photography is to sneak in and catch something's or somebody's intimity; you open the door quietly, take a peep, and shut the door again... As for the third one, the concept is great, I like the way you focus on one sun umbrella: it's intimity among the crowd. There is something I can't really point out so far that doesn't make this picture very powerfull, but the idea is great. I think you should try and work on this concept. In overall, I think you've got very good ideas, you just need a bit of practice (who am I to tell you that, anyway?), but I think there is definitely some potential in your work, so keep going, and show us your artwork!
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