OZONE Asylum
wannabe photographer
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I think Doc made the best quote ever about art in general "Art" happens in the head, the rest is just tricks and techniques that can be learned-DocOzone There's lots of helpful info in the photography section and some great learning sites listed here [url]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/15017[/url] There are rules to photography that are important and listed on the site links above. However, sometimes, you just have to get outside the box and shoot that vision in your mind. Sometimes that works and you have a powerful photo with major impact. Other times, it's into the recyle bin. That's why I love digital. I can shoot and not worry about film and developing cost. My advice would be to surf the photography sites and read and learn. Also look at the photos that you really like and study them to see what it is that makes them work. A photography class at a local college isn't a bad idea either. If I can be of any help to you please drop me a note :) [url=http://www.shiiizzzam.com/photos] [img]http://www.shiiizzzam.com/sigs/shi.gif[/img] [/url]
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