OZONE Asylum
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[quote][b]Radical Rob said:[/b] Just touching on the whole fixed width site layout, these sites would be considered fixed wouldn't it?[/quote] Yes, they would be. [quote][b]Radical Rob said:[/b] I've done quite a bit of looking around since I read everyone's dislikefor fixed widths and personally dont understand what the big deal is. I mean from the creative stand point isn't it best for a designer to have viewers see the site how they envisioned it and not how a certain browser will interpret it?[/quote] It's not the browser, it's the user's resolution. [quote][b]JKMabry said:[/b] reiso is very opinionated on the matter[/quote] [i][b]opinionated[/b]: Holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one's own opinions.[/i] How so? [quote][b]JKMabry said:[/b]just becasue he states it as if it were fact does not make it so.[/quote] I agree with that, but what I posted in response to Rob's [b]2)[/b] is fact nonetheless.
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