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Streach that Background?
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well, I have a scan-lined gradient that's width:100% with some text on the left side. I was just going to repeat the northern-most 2px over and over until I saw how nifty it looked with a dropshadow from the layer above. Well- I didn't want an 800px X 30px image on a local html page that I wanted to load instantly and it occured to me that a gradient is only 256 colors anyway so stretching the image doesn't look bad at all. So, I settled for a 256px x 30 image to stretch because not only would it be a smaller filesize, but the resolution would remain liquid as well. So, now I put the former background as an <img> tag with 'width:100%', but the text on the left over the image (obviously) doesn't naturally fall over the over the gradient but instead to the right. I figured I could 'absolutely position' the text on top of the gradient without setting a 'top' and 'left'. In other words- I want to absolutely position the text div relative to the container div (the one that I put the <img src="grad"> in). Can I do this? Is that too complicated? Is this even the best way to do this? I'm only making this page to run off the network server here to make my job a lot easier (I wrote some things in JS to make some daily tasks easier) and now I want the page to be a bit more stylish (can you tell that there aren't many ways to relax around here?). I want this page to load up as fast as digitally possible because I use it for mission critical stuff. Is the filesize reduction worth the added rendering time (in terms of bootup time)? In the end, that's all that really matters. I can have a 10Mb's worth of html and pictures as long as it loads instantly.
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