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POW Week 78: History
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I've added some here - http://www.in-dented.com/gallery/gallery.php?node=8 They are all of local history related items, including - Grave of Lord Armiger, from Wethersfield, CT, 1648 (the first european settlements in the area date to the 1630's) - The Comstock Bridge, circa 1791 - Grave of the Lady Fenwick, wife of the first governor of Old Saybrook, CT, crica 1645 - Saybrook Fort, the first settlement of the area, in which the Lord and Lady Fenwick lived - A rather nice view up hill into the sun from Lakeview Cemetery in East Hampton, CT - A monument to Major General Israel Putnam, in his hometown of Brooklyn, CT. Of local fame long before the Revolutionary War, he became one of the most notable figures of the war. Of all his exploits, he is best known, however, as the person to utter the infamous "don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes" on Bunker Hill - The grave of General Putnam, a few miles down the road from his monument - The steeple of St. Stephens Episcopal church in East Haddam, CT, with its bell which is dated from 814, and allegedly is related somehow to Charlemagne (though most likely this story is simply because of the coincedence of time period). It was brought to America as ballast on a ship, and purchased by a local priest while the ship was in port. - The tomb of Governor Jonathan Trumball, governor of CT during the Revolution. his home and office was the frequent stop of General Washington, Lafayette, and other. The Lebanon town green, across the street from Trumball's home was also host to several thousand French troops during the war - A couple of views of the setting sun behind the steeple of the First Congregational Church in Wethersfield, CT
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