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Topic awaiting preservation: embed flash / support standards Pages that link to <a href="" title="Pages that link to Topic awaiting preservation: embed flash / support standards" rel="nofollow" >Topic awaiting preservation: embed flash / support standards\

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Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: 1393
Insane since: Dec 2003

posted posted 08-28-2005 18:21

Wasn't sure where I should throw this question so please move me if needs be...

I've been revisiting the the idea of embeding flash while supporting standards off and on for the past two months or so and had always figured when I was ready or needed to, I would use this idea from a list apart. But then this morning I ran into this script and it seems to work really slick; well, as far as I can tell. I was just wondering what you smart people think about it... getting into the javascript kinda throws me off a little.

Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist

From: Massachusetts, USA
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 08-30-2005 11:27

I didn't read through the link, but I have two thoughts on the scripting approach:

- It may rely 100% on the user having JavaScript turned on. If so, this is a significant disadvantage.
- Check if the script itself is standards-compliant (with the DOM, primarily). Sometimes people think that replacing non-standard HTML code with non-standard JavaScript is a good thing. It's not. If the JavaScript uses proprietary DOM functionality, then you're defeating the purpose by using it.

If it checks out, then I'd say either way is fine.


Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: 1393
Insane since: Dec 2003

posted posted 08-30-2005 15:59

Rad, thanks slime... It doesn't rely 100% on javascript so that is good. I'm not sure where to validate the script though, could you point me? Thanks.

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