OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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Well, JKMabry, I wouldn't be the one receiving the mails, the Doc would. Otherwise the grail is, compared to other forums, very very timid in it's resource usage. Most (*) page views are handled without any database query at all. That's what leads to the 'asylum works, but I can't post' phenomena. I again have disabled the back link search till I have something better (which hopefully will work rather soon), in case it's some 'no robots.txt following bot' again. (That part is the only really resource intensive thing around here). So we'll watch and see how it goes, and try to log the downtimes here, will ya? So long, ->Tyberius Prime (*) - The last 200 pages viewed or so are cached. Since we very rarly have 200 threads a day, that means most views come from the cache. We implemented that back when Dreamhost still made you pay for excess MySQL queries, and it has served well.
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