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Black Hat
Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: In the Headlights
Insane since: Sep 2004

posted posted 09-13-2005 11:33

I seek the help of the Photoshop guru's we have here at the Asylum. For the past few hours, I've been trying to cut the girl & couch out of this white background. I managed to do. However, my attempts have turned out jagged along the edges and I find I am having problems when it comes to the hair as well. So, as much as I hate to admit this... I need some help. Here is the image:

Click here for the image!

What I need is a good cutout of the girl/couch so that it looks good and smooth on ANY background (light OR dark). Is this possible? If you can do it, would you please be so kind? I'll toy with it some more and see what I can do but help is highly appreciated.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: France
Insane since: Jun 2002

posted posted 09-13-2005 12:09


It looks like the perfect example where the magic wand/stick would do the trick. Use a tolerance of 8-16 and voilà.
Hope that helps,


Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Kansas City, MO , USA
Insane since: Feb 2002

posted posted 09-13-2005 13:12

I make no claim to be good at this... But I attempted anyway. You may have to do some minor tweaking with the eraser tool/pen tool.

Here is the cutout preview:

Here is the PSD if you want it . (1.15 MB)

I did it in CS2, not sure how well it will work in other versions, if all else fails, you can key in the green screen in the preview.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

posted posted 09-13-2005 17:59

This is pretty straightforward - honestly couldn't ask for a cut out job much easier than this one.

Magic wand should do at least most of the work, as Poi said. If that's not satisfactory, the pen tool will certainly do it no-problem.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: France
Insane since: Jun 2002

posted posted 09-13-2005 18:13


For the shadow of the armchair and her leg, I turn the picture in grayscale, darken the matte parts, and use the result as a mask.


Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: :morF
Insane since: May 2000

posted posted 09-14-2005 07:07

Considering thwere's such a high level of contrast in that picture it's also a job that the extract tool could easily handle, I believe.

Justice 4 Pat Richard

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