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I haven't been at Adobe since they stopped production on LiveMotion in April of 2002. :-\ They rehired a bunch of us to work on the DVD product, but I was not among them. They had only 3 spots open in QA, and they went to senior staff. I still hang out with my coworkers/friends from there, and they've sworn that, should a position open, they'll call me in to interview for it. They're actually hoping to increase staff soon, but I don't hold my breath and pray... I just work my job at this new place, testing medical software for doctors, and wait. It was a sad thing they stopped LiveMotion, because LiveMotion 2 was the ONLY other Adobe product of 2002 to make its numbers besides Photoshop, and we MORE than made our expected numbers. They cancelled us because they didn't want to compete with Flash, since Macromedia owned the rights to Flash, and could change it anytime they wanted, elaving us always at number 2... and now they OWN Macromedia, so... huh. :P [img]http://www.geocities.com/wdalphin/hshield13.txt[/img]
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