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Outpatient Counseling
Clients that dont want to pay? - What do you do
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I feel for you. I've had a few experiences with clients of that sort. One person wanted a logo, custom all the way, I illustrated it, spent about 6+ hours on it and when she got my bill she almost s#!t herself. She ended up giving me what she thought was fair. ($100) and had someone else do it for $50. So many times I've gotten burned because I'm trying to build a relationship with what I hope will be a "future long term endeavor", and more then often I've gotten stuck because of that. Sometimes because of that I go against my better judgement in regards to contracts or invoicing, but I've gotten screwed more times then I'd like to admit. (i have over $6000 owed from clients for work i did on a tv show trying to get my foot in the door) So I feel your pain. If you got the work, then don't sweat it. Sounds like this person was a real jerk anyway. Someone should create one of those posters you get at Franklin Covey so we can post it in the office. (indirect hint to WHY they hired us in the first place.) [img]http://www.wayoutwestenterprises.com/images/rob_sp_sig.gif[/img]
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