OZONE Asylum
POW Week 83: Churches
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I've begun leaving the default naming for all the photo files that come out of may camera after I realized so much of what I shot need to be in a chronological order anyway. With that set posted you can kinda see the progression of thoughts I was having anyhow, kinda interesting the way that order enhances the memories on a different level. The one with the funny lookin old dude is obviously when I began realizing this was anarchy and began trying to capture the motion around me, the next three after that are 3 out of maybe 10 or so that ended up serviceable, at least conveying what I wanted, the other 7 or so were utter crap. I started by doing long exposures but that was washed out in light of course, then I figured out I could monkey with the fstop to counteract that, something I've known but never seem to remember right off the bat. I definitely would not mind anyone's tips on capturing motion if they're inclined to give them :) And why does grass that is yellowish brownish green at best always look spectacularly and consistently green in overexposed nighttime shots?!
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