OZONE Asylum
Outpatient Counseling
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Thanks for the reply NoJive. It's not quite that complicated though. I do have an accountant to handle paperwork and we (my friend and I) actually met because I was his boss at a previous job. He's an excellent worker and very reliable. The ramifications on my existing business would be to have a trustworthy person I know at a top level in my company as it grows to help out; the bad if it falls through?... time lost teaching, but not really because he would have those extra skills which would be worth it. Basically, I'm just not sure what is fair to pay... I fully believe it will be worth it in the long run to have him in the company so paying him in my mind is a no brainer; i'm just not sure how much to pay. [img]http://www.sangfroidscarecrow.com/sig_insect.gif[/img]
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