OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
grailgod's CPU minute usage for today is 128.14
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ok, here's what I can tell so far. a) The dreamhost cpu time counter does not substract IO time - i.e. Time spend while reading files (most page requests actually) or waiting for the database. These things obviously take time, but don't (shouldn't) tax resources. b) About 30-50% of our php time are being spend just loading the grailapi. It loads the config files, reads in the settings builds a database connection and defines about a 100 different functions used throughout the system. This regularly takes 0.1s but goes up to 0.3s on occacions. (See http://www.ozoneasylum.com/log.txt for the log file). The db connection seems to be a minor issue here - we're using persistent connections and establishing it only on the first query (which never happens in cached pages) does not significantly improve the request times (0.02 seconds, maybe). Further investigation is needed - alas I need to run now. I'll have another look tonight, when I've assembled some more logs. so long, ->Tyberius Prime [small](Edited by [internallink=1424]Tyberius Prime[/internallink] on 11-17-2005 09:32)[/small]
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