OZONE Asylum
Getting to know the Grail
The forum icon thingies.'new posts since last visit'
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Im not that sure this is the right place to post, since I havent gotten any suggestions up until now, but here goes. When you are 'remembered' by the asylum, and automaticly logged in when you visit the site, you can see that all forums which has new posts in them are displayed with red pills instead of the defaults (the icons to the left of them). Anyhow, when you enter the forum which has new topics, there arent any such icons on the new threads! Because of this, Ive gotten lost several times, and I have no idea which topics has new posts in them, except for the newest one, which lies on top. I visit the website one day, and there is a red pill on the OZONE. Yay for me, ive got something to read. I enter the forum, and there is a thread on top, which must have new posts in it. But the other threads with new posts? What about them? Im pretty sleepy at the moment, so maybe Im just talking jibberish, but the red pill icon should be placed on new threads as well as forums. Thats what I wanted to say. :) It's not that a big thing though, but Ive been noticing it more and more. Thanks. [img]http://maticbase.com/asylum/siggies/valspin.gif[/img] [url=http://maticbase.com]http://maticbase.com (WIP)[/url] [i]This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. You assume all risk for your use. [/i] // Val / Valerius / mNinjae / Erik
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