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Biggest freakin' banner image ever. 1055px wide? My entire screen is only 1280px wide. It isn't a BIT top heavy, it is imcomprehensively, ridiculously top heavy. It makes one feel as if the title graphic is what is important on the site, not the content. Yes, you have a height issue at 356px, but the width. . . what could possibly be the need for that? There needs to be some sort of maximum and minimum widths for the blog paragraphs. As it stands, when the window is maximized the lines are too long to read comfortably and as you decrease the size of the window the paragraph will shrink all the way down to one word per line which is also rather unreadable. Finally, the image links on the side. If that is supposed to be a photo gallery it needs to say so somewhere. If it is a menu then we have an old fashioned case of mystery meat navigation. Basically, I have no idea where the little picture of a beer can is going to take me (they don't go anywhere currently) and Joe Average isn't going to want to take the time to find out. [quote]I don't see this as an everyday blog so it's mostly just a fun site for myself and not meant to be overly usable.[/quote] What does OVERLY usuable mean? -SPyX
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