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Debugging can be a pain in the arse. Specifically, when you are using a standard language, or API, like Java, and suddenly, a hard to identify change in context breaks things up. For example, my banner applets, at www.beyondwonderland.com, worked like a charm in IE for a while, until my site went off for a couple of weeks. When it was back, the banner applets had ceased to work. It turns out that when using 120dpi fonts on Windows, the image resolution, at least for jpegs, is altered over http/ftp transfers, and that's what was causing me to upload images with a wrong resolution to my website, therefore causing my fixed size banners to crash. At 120dpi for Windows fonts, Opera and Firefox keep working normally, they won't impact the display of an applet because of a font resolution. IE will. So the bug it took me some time to spot had nothing to do with code correctness. Anyway. I am now trying to spot two issues: - in the past, some Firefox had problems with my banner applets, and tended to freeze from times to times. - due to the images having been correctly uploaded to my site, the 120dpi bug should not occur again. "should".... I would like to make sure it does not. So, please, please, please, if you are using Moz on a Win2k, or any other system, test away. If you are using IE and have a high resolution screen, test away. And let me know. www.beyondwonderland.com www.beyondwonderland.com?color=pink
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