OZONE Asylum
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Can't believe I read through all that stuff above (and the tutorial) just to realize that UML is just "common sense" put in a more formal language, ...and diagrams lol. I'm not going to elaborate further on that since it's 06:10am here and I don't feel like writing an essay at the moment but here's my opinion in ûber short version: As I see it, what _Mauro's trying to say with this whole UML thing is that the Asylum code should be re-organized at a structural level. Which would eliminate any unneccessary processing/traffic/etc, like in the example with the helix. However, I doubt that hasn't already been done atleast once, and the gain from doing it again would be only marginal. I say blame the host :p OK, not my shortest post, but atleast I got some finger exercise before crawling to my bed... /TwoD
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