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Nightnight twoD. Well, kuckucs, this doesn't really spoil my point: [quote] The last 100 or so threads that have been viewed are cached and solely accessed as static files by those who do not add their own reply, reducing the number of DB queries quite a bit already. [/quote] Is almost exactly what I was thinking about above without, obviously, knowing anything about the code. Which shows I have experience. It's all a more reason to trust the fact I have something to share about this whole thing. As twoD says, UML is common sense made formal AND, more importantly, standard. TwoD, I assume there are plans, indeed, notes, etc. I don't think (but this merely is an assumption) they've been made by the UML standards. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Btw, umlizing an existing application is also involved into reverse engineering it, so it's not surprising I came up with an optimisation that has already been implemented: I "guessed" the code and bottlenecks by only guessing part of the related diagrams. Still, about optimisations.. There probably are many TP, and I, and others, completely missed (unless finglongers have a solid set of diagrams giving a comprehensive/readable overview). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But let's forget the optimisations for a while: what about simple maintenance? Ten years from now, TP has been abducted by aliens, Emperor has been caught by Flash Gordon, and databases and php have become obsolete. What to do, what to do? A new finglonger would hurt himself badly if he tried to take over the Asylum upgrades and maintenance based on plans that maybe were very clear to TP, but weren't drawn according to standards. Eg. He could and probably will miss many many things. Whereas UML will almost certainly still exist, by then, with a backwards compatibility. Even worse: lightning has struck both the Asylum server and backup servers! Gosh, the Asylum has ceased to exist :eek: No need to panic, there is a clear UML plan of what to do to get an identical Asylum up and running in no time: which packages, methods, classes, the whole thing. The same if a replica of the Asylum has to be made, with small edits and new options (for example for the gn). The same if TP wants to sell his services, and demonstrate the work behind the Asylum, and a clear structured approach to that immense work: a couple of diagrams, and new employer/customer will "see" what he can do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See? My point is not to say "I know better than you" or "can do better than you", my point is not to despise Grumble, my point is not to get myself involved in the Asylum and "take it over" (muhuhahahaha) (I am waaaay too lazy, moody, and busy to maintain the Asylum code on the spare time I don't have - unless a hand is required for a given task, which is all I have the time to give but would give with pleasure). My point is "we can all play a role in getting to KNOW and DRAW the Asylum structure and keep it for an eternal record in order to use and reuse it as needs arise". And, a secondary point is: this is proactive maintenance, because needs WILL arise, sooner or later. For example, if someone wanted to "compact" the forums ;) See what I mean?
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