OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
A faster forum using accurate modelling techniques
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No. Not at all. I want the people here to develop such a set of diagrams, because UML goes this way: real world situation => software. In our case, real world situation + software => faster software. For example, and to take the first steps, one thing to do would be defining actors, internal or external to "the system", and we already have them: database, user, system, moderator would be some of them. I am not sure if interface widgets would be actors in our case, but we could then add: button, post box, slimie, etc.. to the list of actors. Next, the use cases, and a scenario. Again, these are the tasks we do daily. A sample scenario would be: * user enters the asylum * user browses forums * user browses threads * user creates new post * user supplies credentials * user submits post Real world tasks we do daily. This is one sample sequence, but the full detailed scenario would also cover alternatives (user edits post), translated in very simple, human words. Once we have the actors and the scenario, guess what? We can really effectively draw the use case diagram, and a couple of others that SHOW relationships between entities. Now it's time to transform these diagrams into class and interaction diagrams, aka code descriptions. And guess what? We already have a codebase to evolve from. At this point in the "community process", for lack of a better word, the differences between the uml classes diagram and the existing code would probably be small. And they would perfectly highlight areas of improvement. That's the basic idea: 1) collectively outlining what the Asylum is in the real world 2) some experienced users (coders) would help turning this into a handy class diagram 3) TP's main, or only part in this would be comparing the collectively created class diagram to what already exists Add a comprehensive stress test, a collab between any finglonger and any user(s), or a single software run automatically from a single pc, and you'd know HOW to improve. Highlighting areas of improvement + knowing how to improve == 99% of the optimisation job. Mainly done by.. the whole-
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