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Concise Freeware
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Ok, you requested a review you get it. Here's the 'look' review: [url=http://test.coonabibba.de/random/concise_freeware_review1.gif]Part 1[/url] and [url=http://test.coonabibba.de/random/concise_freeware_review2.gif]Part 2[/url] Otherwise: -It validates. Good. -There seems to be a lot, and I mean a lot of whitespace in the html. Not necessary, and it eats bandwidth. -You have some sortabletable javascript in there that you're not using. At least not in Opera. -You're using inline styles. Avoid them. They don't scale, they're a nuisance to maintain, and they're sementically irrelevant at best. -You're missing some alt attributes. Add them. -If I ever see a bunch of after each other again, I'm gonna go stark raving mad. If you must, use min-width (which all major browser support), or just define a width for the td and put as single div in there... but no ... you can never say exactly how high it will be. (Especially with IE font size scaling) -Don't use tables for styling. That's so 1998. Just don't. Search the archives for why ;-) -The image legend should be a definition list (look the tag up) -you're including the unused sortabletable.js multiple times... that's a usally a sign that you've gone in over your head. -Your table head... it's a mess. Come on. You could have just used a colspan, and one larger transpix. Why are you mixing transpix and ? Why don't you have any <th> in your <thead>? Why is games bolded via a span, when it really is a table head, or even a <h1>? -<small> is not a tag I'd expect any browser to render consitently. -<img src="icons/apprentice.ico" - ... an ico. On the web? Sure windows systems display them - but standar are gif or jpeg, and they'll work on any 1995 browser as well. -So... get rid of the whitespace, clean up your styles, remove uneccessary tables (your content belongs in tables), add [url=http://www.smarttab.org]SmartTab[/url] to the listing, and your already usefull site will be neat as well. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. so long, Tyberius Prime ->Tyberius Prime [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1424]Tyberius Prime[/url] on 01-17-2006 22:10)[/small]
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