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Iv'e been doing a lot of wok on my site! I changed and fixed a lot of things, but there are still some to do. Maybe you can help: Do you know of a good site that I can learn how to use the css instead of tables? should I use h2, th or nothing for the table title (now that they are pictures?) how can I make my css better and make less inline style? you said that the legend should be a defenition list. should it be different from the other tables? what is transpix? the java-script sortabletable.js is for automatically sorting the categories ABC order, is there a better way? Things I probobly won't change: adsense is better without a border. They told me that on AdsenseChat http://www.adsensechat.com/showthread.php?p=9866#post9866 smarttab not adding cause taskswithxp can also have the preview disabled so it's basically like smarttab but has more optoins. BTW Tyberius Prime you shold move to Firefox with the best extensions instead of opera. Extensions like TabMixPlus, Accessibaar & GooglePreview advance the browsing a lot! and also I guesss opera has some trouble with javascript (you said that the sortabletable.js didn't work in opera.)
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