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Ha! You got me hot off my Church Websites 101 workshop last Saturday at our Presbytery's [url=http://youth.fbcwm.org/]Church Leader Development Day[/url]. Apologies in advance if my residual enthusiasm takes me too far. First, simply because you have a site for the youth group, (presumably) designed and administered by a member of that group, deserves huge recognition. Very few churches go beyond a casual mention that they have a youth group. Kudos! I know you're looking for design comment, but since my workshop was on content, I'll leave design and tech issues to others. Nitpick Speling: Page 'O Pics should be Page O' Pics. The apostrophe substitues for a letter (f). When it comes to content, spend some time seriously thinking about audience. If it's to be sort of an clubhouse for existing youth group members coming only from the existing congregation, then stop now and don't bother with the rest of this. If your audience includes outsiders--the unchurched, new people to the community, those unsatisfied with their present church, or even the local press, (you do send out press releases, don't you?)... Or if there's any sort of mission, outreach or evangelism component involved... the particulars of church name, address, contact info and probably when the group regularly meets, should be on every page someplace. I lean towards the header, but any consistent location will do. Google guarantees that every page is an entry page, so basic identity content (not to be confused with "branding") belongs on every page. Even so, some visitors will miss it and that information needs to be replicated on a top-level page in the menu structure. The most often forgetten thing I see in every church web site is: Why? Why should I attend this event? Why should I join this church (or group)? And, why are these people doing this? Answer "Why?", keep indentity content prominent, and with nothing else, you'll be head-and-shoulders above the rest. [img]http://www.brucew.com/ozone/b-ozone-sig.gif[/img]
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