Topic awaiting preservation: Passing JS Variables |
Author | Thread |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted From: |
posted 02-17-2006 21:57
apparently I've forgotten my password... code: <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var crayola = new Array( "000000", "000040", "000080", "0000FF", "004000", "004040", "004080", "0040FF", "008000", "008040", "008080", "0080FF", "00FF00", "00FF40", "00FF80", "00FFFF", "400000", "400040", "400080", "4000FF", "404000", "404040", "404080", "4040FF", "408000", "408040", "408080", "4080FF", "40FF00", "40FF40", "40FF80", "40FFFF", "800000", "800040", "800080", "8000FF", "804000", "804040", "804080", "8040FF", "808000", "808040", "808080", "8080FF", "80FF00", "80FF40", "80FF80", "80FFFF", "FF0000", "FF0040", "FF0080", "FF00FF", "FF4000", "FF4040", "FF4080", "FF40FF", "FF8000", "FF8040", "FF8080", "FF80FF", "FFFF00", "FFFF40", "FFFF80", "FFFFFF" ); function fShowData(ind) { alert(crayola[ind]); } function fBuildTable() { var ind=0; document.write('<table style="border: 1px solid #000000;">'); for(y=0;y<=7;y++){ document.write('<tr>'); for(x=0;x<=7;x++){ document.write('<td ' + 'style="cursor: hand; ' + 'background: #' + crayola[ind] + '; ' + 'color: #' + crayola[ind] + '; border: 1px solid #000000;"' + ' onClick=JavaScript:fShowData(this.innerHTML)>' + ind + '</td>'); ind = ind + 1; } document.write('</tr>'); } document.write('</table>'); } --> </script> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript"> javascript:fBuildTable(); </script> </body> </html>
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: 100101010011 <-- right about here |
posted 02-18-2006 02:28
Okay well if this is going to be in a popup. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: 100101010011 <-- right about here |
posted 02-18-2006 02:29
Also the document.write methods are bad. |
Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate From: |
posted 02-19-2006 01:32
thanks for the help, bitdamaged, that should be what I'm looking for |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: beyond the looking glass |
posted 02-20-2006 18:22
code: function fShowData(ind, myElement) { alert(crayola[ind]); document.getElementById(myElement).value=crayola[ind]; window.parent.document.forms.stylesheet.elements.hex.value=crayola[ind]; } function fBuildTable() { var ind=0; document.write('<table id="colorTable">'); for(y=0;y<=7;y++){ document.write('<tr>'); for(x=0;x<=7;x++){ document.write('<td id="colorCell"' + 'style="background: #' + crayola[ind] + '; ' + 'color: #' + crayola[ind] + '; border: 1px solid #000000;"' + ' onClick=JavaScript:fShowData(this.innerHTML,"hex")>' + ind + '</td>'); ind = ind + 1; } document.write('</tr>'); } document.write('</table>'); }
code: <script language="JavaScript"> function popWin(url){, 'name', 'height=400,width=275' + ',toolbar=no,status=yes,menubar=no,directories=no' + ',location=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=auto'); if (window.focus){ newwindow.focus() } } </script> <a href="javascript:popWin('test.html')">Background</a>
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: beyond the looking glass |
posted 02-27-2006 19:11
I'm still having troubles with this, is there anything else that I should check? |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: |
posted 02-28-2006 18:32
I'm not familiar with the "elements" member as you have it above. But the error you're getting would suggest that there is no such member for the object you've referenced. code: function fShowData(color, myElement) { alert(color); document.getElementById(myElement).value=color; window.parent.document.forms.stylesheet.elements.hex.value=color; } function fBuildTable() { var ind=0; document.write('<table id="colorTable">'); for(y=0;y<=7;y++){ document.write('<tr>'); for(x=0;x<=7;x++){ document.write('<td id="colorCell"' + 'style="background: #' + crayola[ind] + '; ' + 'color: #' + crayola[ind] + '; border: 1px solid #000000;"' + ' onClick=JavaScript:fShowData(crayola[ind],"hex")>' + ind + '</td>'); ind = ind + 1; } document.write('</tr>'); } document.write('</table>'); }