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What Im Hanging On My Cells Walls
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There are a lot of Awesome Sigs Made Here...this is were I will Hang The Ones I Particuly(sp?) Like ( If your sig is up here, and don't want it to Be... Just Switch it for your Name and the name of the Sig [ MyName - Thissigisawsome ] And to anyone...If you would Like to add a topic... and Show How you made something... ( I learn better With Lots of Pics/ Movies / .Psd) Please do...:cool: All Righty then... Now to Add Color to the Walls the Non-Biological Way :D First Off ( The Reason I Even Came/Found The Asylum) [u][i][b]Mahjqa[/b][/i][/u] Wow... I Actually Like Just about All The sigs... But Due to The fact the Mahjqa has Issues :P and Doesn’t Like People using His Bandwidth (Darn) Ill Just Give a Link and the Numbers I like [url=http://sigs.mahjqa.com/](LINK)[/url] The Ones I like: [ulist][url=http://www.mahjqa.com/sigs/index1.html]24-Planet 26-Planet 2 30-Water[/url] [url=http://www.mahjqa.com/sigs/index2.html] 35- Bluemetal 39-Decay 40- Hypercube 42-Moon 43-Autumn leaf 44-Pixel animation 52-Mirrored 53-Reflection 59-Tron Lightcycle 60- DNA 62- Mechanism 63-Warning light[/url] [url=http://www.mahjqa.com/sigs/index.html]70 - Eye ( This is what Convinced me to come Here... I ABSOULUTLY LOVE that Eye...) 72-Tetris 73-Snowflake 74-Sega[/url] [/ulist] [small]Note: All Links are working as of 2/21/2006[/small] [url=http://www.tryptych.net/index.php?page=psygnosis][u][i][b]Psygnosis[/b][/i][/u][/url] [img]http://www.tryptych.net/psygnosis/hex.php?dir=psygs&i=zerg.gif[/img] <---I Used Play Starcraft [img]http://www.tryptych.net/psygnosis/hex.php?dir=psygs&i=weadarty.jpg[/img] <---I like that Effect [img]http://www.tryptych.net/psygnosis/hex.php?dir=lites&i=riplte.gif[/img]<---LOVE this effect...in prob. every way/shape/form [img]http://www.tryptych.net/psygnosis/hex.php?dir=lites&i=looplte.gif[/img] [img]http://www.tryptych.net/psygnosis/hex.php?dir=lites&i=liquidpenlte.gif[/img]<----Love this effect as well [url=http://www.blueskynet.as/alo/ozone/silence_sigs.html][u][i][b]silence[/b][/i][/u][/url] [img]http://www.blueskynet.as/alo/ozone/silence_rubegoldberg.gif[/img]<--Cool [url=http://www.postebox.com/andrea/sigs/sigs.html][b][i][u]Wolfen[/u][/i][/b][/url] [img]http://www.postebox.com/andrea/sigs/card.gif[/img]<---I like this for the Creativity [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html][u][i][b]DL-44[/b][/i][/u][/url] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/sig-bad.gif[/img]<--DL-44 Might not like it But I do [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/sig1.gif[/img]<---- I Say Again...I LOVE this Effect [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/sig5.gif[/img]<---- --------- That’s All I have for a moment... There is one sig I couldn’t find...With some weird Guy Ripping out of the Background...and the words get ripped away with it... (Yep.. I love that effect too) ----- Well that’s all For now.... I just Hope this is Legal:cool: O and By now…Chances are everyone knows what effect I like… If you would like to give pointers… Please do INSANEdrive [small](Created by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/5491]INSANEdrive[/url] on 02-21-2006 18:45)[/small]
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